Frequently Asked Questions
These are short answers to the most frequently asked questions by our patients about osteopathy and our treatments.
How Much Treatment Will I Need?
It is difficult to give an answer without an examination and diagnosis first. The number of treatments required depends on the individual, how bad your symptoms are, how long you have had the problem, the general health of the patient and whether there are any underlying problems which may slow down improvement. It depends on whether your injury or condition is acute, chronic or traumatic. By the end of the first
Do I Need a GP Referral?
No, most patients ‘
Will I Have To Undress?
This concerns many people and does not need to be a problem at all. At the Pain Relief
What Should I Bring To The Appointment?
There is nothing that you
Can I Bring Someone Else With Me To The Appointment?
What Do Osteopaths Treat?
Osteopathy focuses on the diagnosis, management, treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal and other related disorders without the use of drugs or surgery. Commonly treated conditions include back and neck pain, postural problems, sporting injuries, muscle
Can Osteopathy Help Stress?
If you find it hard to relax or have some
Does Osteopathic Treatment Hurt?
Osteopathic treatment is usually very gentle, but manipulating, massaging or stretching an injured area may be uncomfortable. We will always explain to you what you are likely to feel and will stop if you tell us that the treatment is causing you too much pain.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Can I Have Acupuncture and Osteopathy T
Yes, we have found some problems are actually complemented by the use of the two therapies together, especially if the problems are widespread or chronic.
What About Health Insurance Cover?
We are recognised by leading health insurers including Cigna, Simply Health, AXA PPP, Standard Life, Aviva, Vitality Health and CS Healthcare. If you are looking to claim treatment off your insurers, please get in touch with them first to see if you can claim for our treatments. Some insurers require a GP letter and some require you to pay an excess depending on your cover. We can write receipts to your insurance company or you can claim directly off them.
Are Osteopaths Regulated By Law?
All osteopaths in the UK are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). Osteopaths are required to renew their registration each year to obtain an annual
How Do I Know If An Osteopath Is Registered?
All osteopaths must be registered with the General Osteopathic Council. You can use the Register to check whether your health professional is currently registered.
What Training Do Osteopaths Have?
All osteopaths